
The Paul-Apollos Relationship and Paul’s Stance toward Greco-Roman Rhetoric: An Exegetical and Socio-Historical Study of 1 Corinthians 1–4 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Research into the social and rhetorical background of the Corinthian church, shows that the Corinthians were evaluating their leaders based on their rhetorical prowess, seeking to associate with those who would enhance their status and honor. The coherence of Paul’s argument in 1 Corinthians 1–4 is evaluated, particularly by showing how Paul’s discourse of the cross and Sophia relate to the issue...

brought the same values into the church. This is seen especially in their preference for different teachers. Faced with such a situation, Paul insists on a re-socialization of the Christians which consisted in a change of values. This he does by means of reminding the Corinthians of the centrality of the cross. The cross, as a symbol of ‘weakness’ and ‘shame’, challenges the Corinthians’ thirst for status and honor. But this raises another question: Has Apollos accepted to play along with the patron/
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